Discover Rovigo with one ticket
Rovigocard is an all-in-one ticket that allows access to several sites of cultural and artistic interest for €12,00.
It is valid for 30 days from the date of first use.
You can purchase it in Rovigo at:
Museo dei Grandi Fiumi Piazzale San Bartolomeo, 18
Online: www.visitrovigo.it
Rovigocard includes visits to:
It is valid for 30 days from the date of first use.
You can purchase it in Rovigo at:
Museo dei Grandi Fiumi Piazzale San Bartolomeo, 18
Online: www.visitrovigo.it
Rovigocard includes visits to:
- Museo dei Grandi Fiumi (Museum of the Great Rivers);
- Tempio della Beata Vergine del Soccorso (Temple of the Blessed Virgin of Succour) known as “La Rotonda” (no turist visits allowed during religious services and concerts);
- Torri del Castello Medievale (The towers of the Medieval Castle) (guided tour only cupon reservation);
- With Rovigocard it is also possible to access the exhibitions of Palazzo Roverella at a reduced rate.
For more information about Rovigocard;
Phone no: +39 389 1745766
E-mail: info@visitrovigo.it
Web. www.visitrovigo.it